Victor: Spitznamen und mehr
Alle Spitznamen zu Victor in einer interaktiven und nach Beliebtheit gestalteten Liste - welcher davon gefällt dir am besten? Alle Spitznamen kannst du bewerten und eigene Vorschläge für Kosenamen einreichen. Auch eine Liste mit allen Neben-Vornamen zu Victor findest du, sortiert nach Häufigkeit, unten auf dieser Seite. Desweiteren kannst du hier sehen, wie der Vorname Victor als Barcode, in Fingersprache und in Blindenschrift geschrieben aussieht.. Auch ähnlich klingende Alternativen zum Namen Victor findest du hier aufgelistet - vielleicht ist einer unserer anderen Vorschläge die bessere Wahl?
Name Victor in Fingersprache:
Victor als Barcode und QR-Code:
Name Victor im Winker-Alphabet:
Name Victor in Blindenschrift:
v | i | c | t | o | r |
Spitz-/Kosenamen für Victor:
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Zweitvornamen mit Victor :
Der Vorname Victor wird sehr häufig als alleinstehender Vorname genutzt, nur ca. 10% aller Menschen haben neben Victor noch einen weiteren Vornamen.Victor steht fast ebenso häufig (49.64%) am Anfang einer Vornamenkombination wie an zweiter bzw. dritter Stelle (50.36%).
In der folgenden Liste findest du - sortiert nach Häufigkeit - die beliebtesten Vornamen-Kombinationen mit Victor:
Victor Alexander (9 x)
Victor Hugo (5 x)
Charles Victor (4 x)
Victor John (3 x)
William Victor (3 x)
Victor Henry (3 x)
Carl Victor (3 x)
David Victor (3 x)
Victor Ronald (3 x)
Victor Manuel (3 x)
Ernest Victor (2 x)
Daniel Victor (2 x)
Victor Christian (2 x)
Maxim Victor (2 x)
Victor Leon (2 x)
Colin Victor (2 x)
Victor Michael (2 x)
Kenneth Victor (2 x)
Johann Victor (2 x)
Raphael Victor (2 x)
Alexander Victor (2 x)
Levi Victor (2 x)
Werner Victor (2 x)
Jan Victor (2 x)
John Victor (2 x)
Clarence Victor (2 x)
Victor Emanuel (2 x)
George Victor (2 x)
Leon Victor (2 x)
Joseph Victor (2 x)
Victor Daniel (2 x)
Victor Auguste (2 x)
Mattis Victor (2 x)
Victor Louis (2 x)
Victor Maximilian (2 x)
Victor Hermann (2 x)
Edward Victor (2 x)
Henri Léon Victor (1 x)
Victor Henri (1 x)
Victor Steven (1 x)
Victor Willoughby (1 x)
Ole Jan Victor (1 x)
Victor Theodor (1 x)
Georges Victor Paul Eugène (1 x)
Victor-Wilhelm (1 x)
Victor Yunzheng (1 x)
Victor Wayne (1 x)
Liron Victor (1 x)
Jeffrey Victor (1 x)
Victor Gilbert Lariston 5th Earl Of Minto (1 x)
Victor Lee (1 x)
Victor Andrew (1 x)
Victor Alexandru (1 x)
Willem Victor (1 x)
Victor Joseph (1 x)
Victor Jean Marie (1 x)
Julien Victor (1 x)
Ken Victor (1 x)
Victor Demba (1 x)
Dr. Victor (1 x)
Victor Dan (1 x)
Victor Andres Plata (1 x)
Victor Charles (1 x)
Emil Victor (1 x)
Oliver-Victor (1 x)
Victor Henry Augustus (1 x)
Samuel Victor Alexander (1 x)
Victor Markus (1 x)
Lian Victor (1 x)
Victor-Werner (1 x)
Eugène Victor (1 x)
Ben Victor (1 x)
Hubert Victor Heinrich (1 x)
Adrian Victor (1 x)
Albert Victor (1 x)
Amadeo Victor (1 x)
Segundo Victor (1 x)
Victor David Anton (1 x)
Oskar Victor (1 x)
Levent Victor (1 x)
Jean Victor (1 x)
Mircea Victor (1 x)
Victor Ramos (1 x)
Victor Philippe (1 x)
Victor Alucard (1 x)
Herman Victor Ghislain Paul Joseph (1 x)
Victor Larco (1 x)
Victor Okechukwu (1 x)
Victor Gerd (1 x)
Victor Carton Patrick (1 x)
Dennis Victor (1 x)
Victor José (1 x)
Victor Hugo Garrido (1 x)
Victor Bastin (1 x)
Victor Anthony (1 x)
Louis Victor Marie Bonniot (1 x)
Victor Matias (1 x)
Victor Polydore (1 x)
Victor Bernhard (1 x)
Victor George (1 x)
Jannis Victor (1 x)
Felix Victor (1 x)
Victor Manuel Izaguirre (1 x)
Victor Mahaña (1 x)
Victor Borba (1 x)
Victor Keke (1 x)
Alp Victor Kaya (1 x)
Raul Victor Xavier (1 x)
Okezie Victor (1 x)
Victor Emmanuel (1 x)
Stefan Victor (1 x)
M Sean Victor (1 x)
Johannes Victor Bech (1 x)
Victor Dominik (1 x)
Lennox Victor (1 x)
Andrei Victor (1 x)
Johann Victor Franz (1 x)
Maurice Victor (1 x)
Raymond Victor (1 x)
Victor Mário Barcellos (1 x)
Berthold Victor (1 x)
Victor Heinrich (1 x)
Henry Victor (1 x)
Ian Victor (1 x)
Victor Kede (1 x)
Victor Emmanuel Livingstone (1 x)
Victor Adrian (1 x)
Victor Henry Verney (1 x)
Theo Jozef Marie Victor (1 x)
Hippolyte Victor Roger (1 x)
Victor Mfanafuthi (1 x)
Klaus Victor (1 x)
Caleb Victor (1 x)
Victor Jörn (1 x)
Petru Victor (1 x)
Glenn Victor (1 x)
Victor-Gwyn (1 x)
Rudolf Victor (1 x)
Victor Peiron Latienda (1 x)
Erik Victor (1 x)
Victor Antoine Jules (1 x)
Valentin Victor (1 x)
Victor Immanuel (1 x)
Hans-Victor (1 x)
Victor Ares (1 x)
Victor Joachim (1 x)
James Victor (1 x)
Victor William (1 x)
Victor Uwe (1 x)
Victor António Rafael (1 x)
Heinrich Victor (1 x)
Victor Lobo (1 x)
Michael Victor John (1 x)
Victor Wilhelm (1 x)
Albert Karl Victor (1 x)
Victor Maurice (1 x)
Victor Armin (1 x)
Victor Rodrigues Penalber (1 x)
Victor Rafael (1 x)
Victor Iosifovich (1 x)
Victor Eben (1 x)
Nicholas Victor (1 x)
Donald Victor (1 x)
Manuel Victor (1 x)
Victor Edvard (1 x)
Marie Victor Xavier (1 x)
Victor Raphael (1 x)
Robert Victor Joseph (1 x)
Victor Hugo Rolón (1 x)
Victor Wladimir Antonius (1 x)
Henrik Victor (1 x)
Ronald Victor (1 x)
Eliab Victor (1 x)
Victor Henning (1 x)
Silvio Victor (1 x)
Victor Roman (1 x)
Victor Gómez (1 x)
Victor Falk Bernhard (1 x)
Victor Christian Fritz (1 x)
Robin Victor (1 x)
Diaz Victor (1 x)
Constantin Victor (1 x)
Yves Christian Victor (1 x)
Victor Nosa (1 x)
Victor-Aurin (1 x)
Martin Rene Julius Victor (1 x)
Victor Look (1 x)
Victor Nsofor (1 x)
Victor Johan (1 x)
Victor Hugo Ascarrunz (1 x)
Jonne Victor (1 x)
Victor Jorah (1 x)
João Victor Marcari (1 x)
Raphael Frederik Victor (1 x)
Victor Franziskus (1 x)
Charles-Victor (1 x)
Elias Victor (1 x)
Alois Victor (1 x)
Marcel Victor Alcide (1 x)
Charles Victor Coster (1 x)
Georges Victor Liévin Mathieu (1 x)
Victor-Emanuel (1 x)
Eliah Maximilian Victor (1 x)
Victor Ivan (1 x)
Victor Wenzeslaus Leonhard (1 x)
Victor Fernand (1 x)
Johannes Victor (1 x)
Sebastian Andrei Victor (1 x)
Victor Bignon (1 x)
Marcus Victor Jan (1 x)
Victor Amédée Jacques Marie (1 x)
Virgil Victor (1 x)
Gabriel Victor Lee (1 x)
Eberhard Karl Victor (1 x)
Tony Victor James (1 x)
Victor Mongil (1 x)
Eric Victor (1 x)
Victor Philip (1 x)
Jochum Victor (1 x)
Victor Thomas (1 x)
Jean-Victor (1 x)
Luis Victor (1 x)
Magnus Marnix Victor (1 x)
Victor Andres (1 x)
Victor Emilio (1 x)
Jonas Emmanuel Victor (1 x)
Peter Victor (1 x)
Victor Kennet (1 x)
Thomas Victor (1 x)
Sam Victor (1 x)
Michael Victor Alexander (1 x)
Victor Hubert (1 x)
Victor Chinedu (1 x)
Victor Salvatore (1 x)
Victor Georg (1 x)
Victor Kalo (1 x)
Victor Adam (1 x)
Paul Victor (1 x)
Victor Claude (1 x)
Heinz Victor (1 x)
Victor Alexander Louis (1 x)
Victor Emmanuel Otto (1 x)
Brayan Victor (1 x)
Rolf Victor (1 x)
Fredi-Victor (1 x)
Victor Charles Gustave (1 x)
Victor Pua (1 x)
Liam-Victor (1 x)
Esteban Victor (1 x)
Victor Frank (1 x)
Victor Brett (1 x)
Pål Victor Öhling (1 x)
Victor Bennet (1 x)
Victor Justus (1 x)
Victor Werner (1 x)
Otto Victor (1 x)
Jean Victor Edmond (1 x)
Manfred Victor (1 x)
Elmer Victor (1 x)
Victor Contador (1 x)
Paul Marie Victor (1 x)
René Victor (1 x)
Victor Abel (1 x)
Valentin Victor Benedikt (1 x)
Victor Marie (1 x)
Victor Alexis Robert (1 x)
Denis Victor (1 x)
Giuliano Victor (1 x)
Victor Moreira (1 x)
Henry Louis Victor (1 x)
Victor Piotr (1 x)
Francis John Victor (1 x)
Victor Alfonso Guzmán (1 x)
Victor Martin Joubert (1 x)
Victor-Levy (1 x)
Victor Reginald (1 x)
Victor Kodei (1 x)
Dave Victor (1 x)
Victor Hugo (5 x)
Charles Victor (4 x)
Victor John (3 x)
William Victor (3 x)
Victor Henry (3 x)
Carl Victor (3 x)
David Victor (3 x)
Victor Ronald (3 x)
Victor Manuel (3 x)
Ernest Victor (2 x)
Daniel Victor (2 x)
Victor Christian (2 x)
Maxim Victor (2 x)
Victor Leon (2 x)
Colin Victor (2 x)
Victor Michael (2 x)
Kenneth Victor (2 x)
Johann Victor (2 x)
Raphael Victor (2 x)
Alexander Victor (2 x)
Levi Victor (2 x)
Werner Victor (2 x)
Jan Victor (2 x)
John Victor (2 x)
Clarence Victor (2 x)
Victor Emanuel (2 x)
George Victor (2 x)
Leon Victor (2 x)
Joseph Victor (2 x)
Victor Daniel (2 x)
Victor Auguste (2 x)
Mattis Victor (2 x)
Victor Louis (2 x)
Victor Maximilian (2 x)
Victor Hermann (2 x)
Edward Victor (2 x)
Henri Léon Victor (1 x)
Victor Henri (1 x)
Victor Steven (1 x)
Victor Willoughby (1 x)
Ole Jan Victor (1 x)
Victor Theodor (1 x)
Georges Victor Paul Eugène (1 x)
Victor-Wilhelm (1 x)
Victor Yunzheng (1 x)
Victor Wayne (1 x)
Liron Victor (1 x)
Jeffrey Victor (1 x)
Victor Gilbert Lariston 5th Earl Of Minto (1 x)
Victor Lee (1 x)
Victor Andrew (1 x)
Victor Alexandru (1 x)
Willem Victor (1 x)
Victor Joseph (1 x)
Victor Jean Marie (1 x)
Julien Victor (1 x)
Ken Victor (1 x)
Victor Demba (1 x)
Dr. Victor (1 x)
Victor Dan (1 x)
Victor Andres Plata (1 x)
Victor Charles (1 x)
Emil Victor (1 x)
Oliver-Victor (1 x)
Victor Henry Augustus (1 x)
Samuel Victor Alexander (1 x)
Victor Markus (1 x)
Lian Victor (1 x)
Victor-Werner (1 x)
Eugène Victor (1 x)
Ben Victor (1 x)
Hubert Victor Heinrich (1 x)
Adrian Victor (1 x)
Albert Victor (1 x)
Amadeo Victor (1 x)
Segundo Victor (1 x)
Victor David Anton (1 x)
Oskar Victor (1 x)
Levent Victor (1 x)
Jean Victor (1 x)
Mircea Victor (1 x)
Victor Ramos (1 x)
Victor Philippe (1 x)
Victor Alucard (1 x)
Herman Victor Ghislain Paul Joseph (1 x)
Victor Larco (1 x)
Victor Okechukwu (1 x)
Victor Gerd (1 x)
Victor Carton Patrick (1 x)
Dennis Victor (1 x)
Victor José (1 x)
Victor Hugo Garrido (1 x)
Victor Bastin (1 x)
Victor Anthony (1 x)
Louis Victor Marie Bonniot (1 x)
Victor Matias (1 x)
Victor Polydore (1 x)
Victor Bernhard (1 x)
Victor George (1 x)
Jannis Victor (1 x)
Felix Victor (1 x)
Victor Manuel Izaguirre (1 x)
Victor Mahaña (1 x)
Victor Borba (1 x)
Victor Keke (1 x)
Alp Victor Kaya (1 x)
Raul Victor Xavier (1 x)
Okezie Victor (1 x)
Victor Emmanuel (1 x)
Stefan Victor (1 x)
M Sean Victor (1 x)
Johannes Victor Bech (1 x)
Victor Dominik (1 x)
Lennox Victor (1 x)
Andrei Victor (1 x)
Johann Victor Franz (1 x)
Maurice Victor (1 x)
Raymond Victor (1 x)
Victor Mário Barcellos (1 x)
Berthold Victor (1 x)
Victor Heinrich (1 x)
Henry Victor (1 x)
Ian Victor (1 x)
Victor Kede (1 x)
Victor Emmanuel Livingstone (1 x)
Victor Adrian (1 x)
Victor Henry Verney (1 x)
Theo Jozef Marie Victor (1 x)
Hippolyte Victor Roger (1 x)
Victor Mfanafuthi (1 x)
Klaus Victor (1 x)
Caleb Victor (1 x)
Victor Jörn (1 x)
Petru Victor (1 x)
Glenn Victor (1 x)
Victor-Gwyn (1 x)
Rudolf Victor (1 x)
Victor Peiron Latienda (1 x)
Erik Victor (1 x)
Victor Antoine Jules (1 x)
Valentin Victor (1 x)
Victor Immanuel (1 x)
Hans-Victor (1 x)
Victor Ares (1 x)
Victor Joachim (1 x)
James Victor (1 x)
Victor William (1 x)
Victor Uwe (1 x)
Victor António Rafael (1 x)
Heinrich Victor (1 x)
Victor Lobo (1 x)
Michael Victor John (1 x)
Victor Wilhelm (1 x)
Albert Karl Victor (1 x)
Victor Maurice (1 x)
Victor Armin (1 x)
Victor Rodrigues Penalber (1 x)
Victor Rafael (1 x)
Victor Iosifovich (1 x)
Victor Eben (1 x)
Nicholas Victor (1 x)
Donald Victor (1 x)
Manuel Victor (1 x)
Victor Edvard (1 x)
Marie Victor Xavier (1 x)
Victor Raphael (1 x)
Robert Victor Joseph (1 x)
Victor Hugo Rolón (1 x)
Victor Wladimir Antonius (1 x)
Henrik Victor (1 x)
Ronald Victor (1 x)
Eliab Victor (1 x)
Victor Henning (1 x)
Silvio Victor (1 x)
Victor Roman (1 x)
Victor Gómez (1 x)
Victor Falk Bernhard (1 x)
Victor Christian Fritz (1 x)
Robin Victor (1 x)
Diaz Victor (1 x)
Constantin Victor (1 x)
Yves Christian Victor (1 x)
Victor Nosa (1 x)
Victor-Aurin (1 x)
Martin Rene Julius Victor (1 x)
Victor Look (1 x)
Victor Nsofor (1 x)
Victor Johan (1 x)
Victor Hugo Ascarrunz (1 x)
Jonne Victor (1 x)
Victor Jorah (1 x)
João Victor Marcari (1 x)
Raphael Frederik Victor (1 x)
Victor Franziskus (1 x)
Charles-Victor (1 x)
Elias Victor (1 x)
Alois Victor (1 x)
Marcel Victor Alcide (1 x)
Charles Victor Coster (1 x)
Georges Victor Liévin Mathieu (1 x)
Victor-Emanuel (1 x)
Eliah Maximilian Victor (1 x)
Victor Ivan (1 x)
Victor Wenzeslaus Leonhard (1 x)
Victor Fernand (1 x)
Johannes Victor (1 x)
Sebastian Andrei Victor (1 x)
Victor Bignon (1 x)
Marcus Victor Jan (1 x)
Victor Amédée Jacques Marie (1 x)
Virgil Victor (1 x)
Gabriel Victor Lee (1 x)
Eberhard Karl Victor (1 x)
Tony Victor James (1 x)
Victor Mongil (1 x)
Eric Victor (1 x)
Victor Philip (1 x)
Jochum Victor (1 x)
Victor Thomas (1 x)
Jean-Victor (1 x)
Luis Victor (1 x)
Magnus Marnix Victor (1 x)
Victor Andres (1 x)
Victor Emilio (1 x)
Jonas Emmanuel Victor (1 x)
Peter Victor (1 x)
Victor Kennet (1 x)
Thomas Victor (1 x)
Sam Victor (1 x)
Michael Victor Alexander (1 x)
Victor Hubert (1 x)
Victor Chinedu (1 x)
Victor Salvatore (1 x)
Victor Georg (1 x)
Victor Kalo (1 x)
Victor Adam (1 x)
Paul Victor (1 x)
Victor Claude (1 x)
Heinz Victor (1 x)
Victor Alexander Louis (1 x)
Victor Emmanuel Otto (1 x)
Brayan Victor (1 x)
Rolf Victor (1 x)
Fredi-Victor (1 x)
Victor Charles Gustave (1 x)
Victor Pua (1 x)
Liam-Victor (1 x)
Esteban Victor (1 x)
Victor Frank (1 x)
Victor Brett (1 x)
Pål Victor Öhling (1 x)
Victor Bennet (1 x)
Victor Justus (1 x)
Victor Werner (1 x)
Otto Victor (1 x)
Jean Victor Edmond (1 x)
Manfred Victor (1 x)
Elmer Victor (1 x)
Victor Contador (1 x)
Paul Marie Victor (1 x)
René Victor (1 x)
Victor Abel (1 x)
Valentin Victor Benedikt (1 x)
Victor Marie (1 x)
Victor Alexis Robert (1 x)
Denis Victor (1 x)
Giuliano Victor (1 x)
Victor Moreira (1 x)
Henry Louis Victor (1 x)
Victor Piotr (1 x)
Francis John Victor (1 x)
Victor Alfonso Guzmán (1 x)
Victor Martin Joubert (1 x)
Victor-Levy (1 x)
Victor Reginald (1 x)
Victor Kodei (1 x)
Dave Victor (1 x)
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